Listings for Appfolio Pro


Latest version: 2.5.2
Listings for Appfolio PRO is a solution to your Appfolio Listings integration with your WordPress website.

  • One domain License
  • Free updates for 1 year
  • Multiple Templates
  • Backend Customizer
  • Slider & Carousel
  • Supports different groups Listings

See Demo

Check Developer License


“Listings for Appfolio” is a light-weight property listing plugin that allows you to list your properties on your WordPress site from your Appfolio account using a shortcode.

The old iframe method of displaying appfolio listings does not allow site owners to customize the styling of the listings. This plugin will give you freedom to make any changes to the listings page.
All your appfolio listings will be shown in an interactive way which you can customize using CSS easily. Listings page have an optional google map as well. You will also get all the filters from your appfolio listings page.

Notice: This plugin depends on “allow_url_fopen” to get the content from appfolio listings page. Please add “allow_url_fopen = 1” in your php.ini file or contact your hosting to enable it for you.

Enter your appfolio account page URL in the plugin settings that looks like this –
Optionally, enter google map JS API key in the plugin settings to enable the google map showing your listings.

If you have any feedback or new feature request, please let us know by filling the contact form in the footer of the site and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


  • New Feature – New option to set large image instead of medium sized images.
  • New Feature – New options to show/hide buttons on details page.
  • New Feature – Option for custom link on contact us button under details tab settings.
  • New Feature – Option to change default sort order.
  • New Feature – Option to use custom link for Apply buttons.
  • Option to add a Page heading.
  • Option to add custom CSS.
  • Sort by Availability.
  • Search by Address.
  • Easy plugin setup for appfolio listings.
  • iframe alternative method which allows you to do any customization on the layout and styling.
  • SEO improvement.
  • No need to manually add listing items.
  • No need to manually sync listings with Appfolio account.
  • Filters to search for specific properties listings.
  • Sort by filter for sorting the listings.
  • Google Map showing the listings that updates with the filtered results.
  • Interactive multiple columns design for listings.
  • Single property listing opens in the same page.
  • Easy to use shortcode.
  • Interactive gallery to list the property images.
  • Schedule a Showing button added.
  • Customization options in WordPress backend.
  • Multiple Templates – Hawk and Eagle Templates design.
  • Support for multiple Appfolio accounts to load listings from either on single page or multiple pages.
  • Support for loading listings from different groups. E.g Commercial | Residential or custom groups
  • Separate Search Form shortcode to display only search form
  • Slider and Carousel.
  • Video support in the Gallery.
  • Display Residential, Commercial or all listings on different pages.
  • Hide/Show filters, buttons, Price, Availability, Title, Address.
  • Replaceable icons for bedroom and bathroom labels.
  • Up to 5 columns design options.
  • Gallery popup/lightbox showing full size images.
  • Options to toggle different search filters.


= 2.5.2 =
* 2024-06-13
* Fix – Mobile layout.
* Fix – Sub heading font-size deafult value.
* Fix – Backend settings css.
* Fix – Default value for bg color for buttons.
* Fix – Hawk template single listing card heigh issue.

= 2.5.1 =
* 2024-04-29
* New Feature – New options to show/hide buttons on details page.
* New Feature – New option to set large image instead of medium sized images.
* Fix – Video layout in 2024 theme.
* Fix – Layout issues in Eagle template.
* Fix – Layout issue with single listing in Eagle/Custom template.

= 2.5.0 =
* 2024-03-28
* New Feature – Added an option for heading banner background.
* New Feature – Added an option for heading banner image.
* New Feature – Added an option for sub heading.
* New Feature – Added new customizer options for sub heading text.
* New Feature – Added an option to display/hide search/filters box.
* New Feature – Pagination with an option in the backend.
* New Feature – Added an option for listings per page count.

= 2.4.9 =
* 2024-02-16
* New Feature – Added an option to display/hide Schedule button on main listings page.

= 2.4.8 =
* 2024-02-07
* Update – Set og meta tags on single listings for FB sharing.

= 2.4.7 =
* 2023-12-09
* Update – All Listings button on the single listing details page now goes back to the previous page.
* Fix – Video element now has top margin on the single listing details page.

= 2.4.6 =
* 2023-11-18
* Fix – Gallery thumbnails css conflict with bootstrap themes.
* Fix – Empty avail value showing available now and fix the sorting for same.
* Fix – Warning array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, bool given.
* New Feature – Option for custom link on contact us button under details tab settings.

= 2.4.5 =
* 2023-10-28
* New Feature – Option to set the map zoom level.
* New Feature – Option to change the Rent text.
* New Feature – Separate tab for details page customization.
* New Feature – Option to hide/show Rent price and customize color on details page.
* New Feature – Option to hide/show /mo text on details page.
* New Feature – Option to hide/show title and change it’s html tag on details page.

= 2.4.4 =
* 2023-09-22
* Fix – Multiple carousels in the same page.
* Fix – listing details page wrapper in flex.

= 2.4.3 =
* 2023-08-29
* Fix – Google map not showing markers based on filtered results.
* Update – Google map zoom level changed from 12 to 8 for better coverage.

= 2.4.2 =
* 2023-07-26
* Fix – Warnings about missing available array key.
* Fix – cats and dogs filter dropdown missing title text.
* New Feature – Added multiple locations on same marker in map when there are multiple listings at the same location.

= 2.4.1 =
* 2023-06-11
* Fix – Gallery css conflict with other slider plugins.

= 2.4.0 =
* 2023-05-10
* New Feature – youtube video showing below the gallery on single listing details page.

= 2.3.9 =
* 2023-05-10
* Fix – youtube video cover image not showing in gallery.

= 2.3.8 =
* 2023-05-04
* Fix – conflict with smart crawl plugin on single listing details page.

= 2.3.7 =
* 2023-03-23
* Fix – search by address – no results message and map markers.
* Fix – sort by availability conflicted with other filters.

= 2.3.6 =
* 2023-03-17
* Fix – new search by address field not case sensitive.

= 2.3.5 =
* 2023-03-17
* Fix – Images look blurry on single listing gallery.

= 2.3.4 =
* 2023-03-13
* New Feature – Search by address field in the filters and separate seach form.
* Fix – beds and baths on listing details page not showing based on settings.

= 2.3.3 =
* 2023-03-01
* New Feature – Sort by availability.
* Fixed – Separate Search form filters not working as per customizer settings.
* Fixed – row-group div no close tag if listings are less than 3.

= 2.3.2 =
* 2022-09-22
* New Feature – Now you can display multiple listings from multiple Appfolio account on a single page.
* Fixed – Wrong Apply button link on multiple listings page.

= 2.3.1 =
* 2022-07-14
* Fixed – Warning for missing telephone in a single listing.

= 2.3.0 =
* 2022-05-31
* Improved – Backend speed optimization. Only check for license key when cache expires.
* Fixed – License key related bug and one click key activation.

= 2.2.9 =
* 2022-05-25
* Fixed – Warning when checking for updates and server doesn’t respond.
* Fixed – conflict with other plugins that use SLMC code for licensing.
* Tested with WP ver 6.0.

= 2.2.8 =
* 2022-05-05
* New Feature – New filter for Desired Move In added.
* Fixed – Some warnings on missing array keys.
* Updated license key check for blocked keys.

= 2.2.7 =
* 2022-03-27
* New Feature – Template functionality with new design.

= 2.2.6 =
* 2022-03-13
* New Feature – Created an option to change default sorting of the listings.

= 2.2.5 =
* 2021-12-21
* New Feature – Created an option to use separate page for listing details pages.

= 2.2.4 =
* 2021-11-03
* New Feature – Shortcode for a separate search form with action attribute.

= 2.2.3 =
* 2021-10-23
* Fixed issue – Bed and Bath images were not reflecting on single listings.

= 2.2.2 =
* 2021-10-17
* Added 4 and 5 columns option for layout.
* Added Custom CSS box.
* Added new shortcode parameter to support multiple ‘property group/type/list’ as a filter.

= 2.2.1 =
* 2021-08-17
* Fixed a bug for showing grouped properties

= 2.2.0 =
* 2021-08-10
* Fixed a known bug for URL under plugin settings
* Fixed a reported design issue