
Follow below steps for hassle free setup

Installing Plugin

# Remove Free version of Plugin.
– Under Plugins, go to ‘Installed Plugins’, find Free plugin ‘Listings for Appfolio’.
– deactivate and delete.

# Install and activate “Listings for Appfolio Pro”.
– under Plugins, go to ‘add new’
– click button ‘Upload Plugin’
– browse for plugin file you have purchased and click ‘Install Now’
– activate plugin.

# Activate your License Key
– under ‘Appfolio’, select ‘settings’
– insert your License key and click ‘Activate’ & then ‘Confirm’

PHP Configuration

# Add allow_url_fopen function
– Login into cPanel/FTP and find php.ini file in public_html
– Insert following code: allow_url_fopen = 1
Note: This plugin depends on “allow_url_fopen” to get the content from appfolio listings page. Please add “allow_url_fopen = 1” in your php.ini file or contact your hosting to enable it for you.

Appfolio Settings

# Enter your Appfolio Listings URL
– Under ‘Appfolio’ go to Settings and Insert your link
Note: do not add “/” in end of your link
Correct –
Wrong –

Google Map Settings

# Enable or Disable Google Map
– Under ‘Appfolio’ go to Settings
– Insert Google Map JS API Key to Enable google map
– Leave this field blank to Disable google map

Display Your Listings

# Add Short-code to Page
– Create a New Page
– Paste short-code [ apfl_listings] and Save the page

All Shortcodes

# Display all listings with default settings


# Display Listings from different URLs

[apfl_listings url=’your_listings_url’]

# Display Listings from different Groups

[apfl_listings type=’your group name’]

# Display Types/Groups as a Filter (separated by commas)

[apfl_listings types=’your group name, second group name’]

# Hide Map on specific pages

[apfl_listings map=’hide’]

# Display Single Listing Anywhere

[apfl_listings single_url=”your_single_listing_url”]

# Display Search Form anywhere

[apfl_search_frm action=’/your-all-listings-page’]

# Separate Listing Details Page (enter this page URL under plugin’s settings)


# Listings Slider


# Listings Carousel


# Display Listings from Multiple Accounts

[apfl_listings_multiple url=”comma_separated_account_urls”]
How to get Google Map API
– Go to the Google Cloud Console: Navigate to the Google Cloud Console.
– Select Your Project: Make sure you have the correct project selected from the project dropdown menu at the top of the page.
– Access API & Services: Click on the “Navigation Menu” (three horizontal lines in the top-left corner), then select “APIs & Services” > “Credentials.”
– Identify Your API Key: In the “Credentials” page, you will see a list of API keys. Find the API key you are using for the Maps JavaScript API.
– Edit API Key: Click on the name of your API key to edit its settings.
– Application Restrictions: Scroll down to the “Application restrictions” section. Select “HTTP referrers (websites)” to restrict the usage of the API key to specific websites.
– Add Your Domain: Under “Website restrictions,” click “Add an item” and enter your domain in the format specified (e.g.,* for a broad match or for a more specific path).
– Note: Ensure you include all variations of your domain that your application might use, including with or without www, different subdomains, or any specific paths, if applicable.
– Save Changes: After adding your domain(s), click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to apply your changes.


Still need help? Contact us for help.

# Listings not showing
Please make sure to follow all steps for PRO plugin installation. Common known issues can be fixed by following tips:

– Delete FREE version of plugin.

– Use a Shortcode block instead of content block if using any page builders.

– Use full URL including https:// for your appfolio URL under plugin’s settings.

– Make sure to remove “/” at end of your appfolio URL.

– Add allow_url_fopen function in php.ini file.

# Listings not showing from a Group

Follow these steps to create a group and adding properties to that group:

– Login into your appfolio account as a account owner.
– In the top search bar, type group and then click “Property Groups” under the Pages.
– Now click “New Property Group” from the right sidebar to create a new group.
– Enter the group name as you want and then select the properties that you want to add to this group and click Save button.
– Now, from the left menu, click Vacancies under Leasing menu item. On this vacancies page, click “Post” button next to the Website for each listings under that group.
– Now the listings/vacancies from that group are ready to be shown on your website. Use the below shortcode in the page/post on your WordPress website:

[apfl_listings type=”888 State St”]

Replace “888 State St” with your group name and the listings from that property group should display on your website.